1.中世纪2 骑士团
2.sporting house什么意思
3.跪地吐血求 哈姆雷特中 Ophelia 这个人物的介绍 要英文的 大概讲个2分钟左右
中世纪2 骑士团
100 250 500 是3个级别公会需要的升级点数,列表中的数字为点数
一 刺客行会
Assassins' Guild - 公众次序加 5% 隐藏奖励 刺客技能+1
Master Assassins' Guild - 公众次序加 5% 隐藏奖励 刺客技能+2
二级行会是个多数贵族都不敢一窥究竟的地方。另一方面,这刺客高级训练场所让人不安的场面是它装饰着充满罪恶和让人疼痛的武器。 而这个黑暗圈子的主人就在这里安排及监督一些高官和金钱所指使的阴谋诡计。
Assassins' Guild Headquater - 公众次序加 10% 隐藏奖励 刺客技能+3
任何一个刺客行会所选择为家的地方都立即笼罩着不详的气氛, 因为这里将充满着来自西方的致命杀手。这的刺客大师将经营着和已知世界王公们的危险交易。刺客在这里将进一步提高他们狡诈和致命的技术。
刺客行会(assassins_guild,assassins_muslim_guild) 100 250 500
招募刺客 10
刺杀成功 20
城市长官恐惧>4 4
建造完成Tavern(酒馆) 10
建造完成Brothel(妓院) 15
建造完成Inn(客栈) 20
建造完成Hotel(旅馆) 25
建造完成Grand_Hotel(大旅馆) 30
刺客公会任务成功 10
刺客公会任务失败 -10
二 小偷行会
Thieves' Guild 隐藏奖励 间谍技能+1
Master Thieves' Guild 隐藏奖励 间谍技能+2
二级行会是一个为贵族工作的情报总部。这里是为远近的决策者集中收集和解读情报, 及教导受启发的年轻人一些能够在国外进行谍报工作的特技。虽然行会教导犯罪但是得到更准确的情报却是额外的收获。
Thieves' Guild Headquater 隐藏奖励 间谍技能+3
三级行会是领先世界的情报机构。这里的情报大师们多把时间花在外交手段上以确保在与另一方工作的时候可以避免激怒对方。结果, 在总部学习的初学者将学到如何面对贵族和提升获得国外贵族情报的成功率。
小偷行会(thiefs_guild) 100 250 500
招募间谍 10
城市长官恐惧>4 2
建造完成Tavern(酒馆) 10
建造完成Brothel (妓院) 15
建造完成Inn(客栈) 20
建造完成Hotel(旅馆) 25
建造完成Grand_Hotel(大旅馆) 30
间谍在城市中(敌人城市?) 2
成功进行间谍活动 10
间谍公会任务成功 10
间谍公会任务失败 -10
三 宗教行会
一级行会 隐藏奖励 牧师技能+1
二级行会 隐藏奖励 牧师技能+2
三级行会 隐藏奖励 牧师技能+3 随机得到提升虔诚的随从
宗教行会(theologians_guild ) 100 250 500
招募神甫 10
城市长官虔诚>5 5
建造完成small_church(小教堂) 10
建造完成church(教堂) 15
建造完成abbey(修道院) 20
建造完成cathedral(大教堂) 25
建造完成huge_cathedral(巨型教堂) 30
当选教皇 30
被提升为红衣主教 10
成功烧烤异端 10
变成异端 -5
神学公会任务成功 10
神学公会任务失败 -10
四 商人行会
Merchants' Guild - 增加交易货物 - 商队骑兵:3
Master Merchants' Guild - 增加交易货物 - 商队骑兵:3
Merchants' Guild Headquater - 增加交易货物 - 商队骑兵:4 经验:1
商人行会(merchants_guild) 100 250 500
招募商人 10
抢劫其他商人成功 10
建造完成Wharf(码头) 20
建造完成Warehouse(商业码头) 25
建造完成Docklands(港区) 30
建造完成Market(市场) 10
建造完成Fairground(露天市场) 15
建造完成Great_Market(大市场) 20
建造完成Merchants_Quarters(商场) 25
取得贸易权 10
国家收入> 1000 < 2001 1
国家收入> 2000 < 5001 2
国家收入> 5000 < 10001 3
国家收入> 10000 4
小商人公会任务成功 10
小商人公会任务失败 -10
mod(不解)商人公会任务成功 20
mod商人公会任务失败 -20
五 石匠行会
Masons' Guild 公众满意度加5%和锻炼3支长枪兵(Spear Militia)
Master Masons' Guild 公众满意度加5%和锻炼4支长枪兵(Halberd Militia)
Mason's Guild Headquater 公众满意度加10%和锻炼4支长枪兵(Pike Militia)
石匠行会(masons_guild) 100 250 500
建造完成Stone_Wall(石墙) 10
建造完成Large_Stone_Wall(大石墙) 15
建造完成Huge_Stone_Wall(史诗城墙) 20
建造完成Guards_Quarters(守卫驻地) 10
建造完成Outpost_Garrison (前哨卫戍地) 15
建造完成Barracks(兵营) 20
建造完成Greater_Barracks(城区兵营) 25
建造完成Fortified_Barracks(加强兵营) 40
建造完成Town_Watch(城镇哨所) 10
建造完成Town_Guard(城镇守卫) 15
建造完成City_Watch(城市哨所) 15
建造完成Militia_Drill_Square(民兵训练场) 20
建造完成Militia_Barracks(民兵兵营) 20
建造完成Army_Barracks(陆军兵营) 25
建造完成Royal_Armoury(禁卫兵营) 30
建造完成Leather_Tanner(制革匠) 10
建造完成Blacksmith(铁匠) 15
建造完成Armourer(军械士) 20
建造完成Heavy_Armourer(重甲军械士) 20
建造完成Plate_Armourer(板甲军械士) 25
建造完成Bowyer(制弓匠) 10
建造完成Practice_Range(射击练习场) 15
建造完成Archery_Range(箭术练习场) 20
建造完成Archery_Academy(箭术学院) 30
六 炼金行会
Alchemists' Guild 火炮队经验加1
Master Alchemists' Guild 火炮队经验加1和世界范围的也加1
Alchemists' Guild Headquater 火炮队经验加1和世界范围加2
炼金行会(alchemists_guild) 100 250 500
训练Bombard(射石炮) 10
训练Grand Bombard(巨型射石炮) 10
训练AS Rocket Launcher(火箭车-喀秋莎) 15
训练NE Mortar(臼炮) 10
训练Ribault(多管炮) 15
训练Culverin (重炮) 15
训练Cannon(加农炮) 15
训练Serpentine(蛇炮) 15
训练Basilisk(蛇怪炮) 20
训练NE Monster Ribault(怪兽多管炮) 20
训练Monster Bombard(怪兽射石炮) 20
训练火枪部队 15
建造完成Alchemists_Lab 10
建造完成Cannon_Maker(加农炮制造作坊) 15
建造完成Cannon_Factory(加农炮制造厂) 20
建造完成Artillery_Factory(炮厂) 25
建造完成Royal_Arsenal(皇家军械库) 30
七 铸剑师行会
Swordsmiths' Guild 能提升肉搏兵器
Master Swordsmiths' Guild 能提升肉搏兵器,骑兵经验加1(全世界范围有效)
Swordsmiths' Guild Headquater 能提升肉搏兵器,骑兵经验加1(全世界范围有效)
正如大家所想的, 三级行会是世界第一的铸剑大师的家。这的大师经常赠送当地领主一些自己设计的新潮武器,因此行会和王公们的关系都能保持良好。
铸剑师行会(swordsmiths_guild) 100 250 500
建造完成Leather_Tanner(制革匠) 10
建造完成Blacksmith(铁匠) 15
建造完成Armourer(军械士) 20
建造完成Heavy_Armourer(重甲军械士) 20
建造完成Plate_Armourer(板甲军械士) 25
训练各种使用剑,双手剑兵种 10--15
八 开拓者行会
Explorers' Guild 觉得只可以随机+移动力随从(如错请补充)
随着时间的流逝, 王公和苏丹们都发现寻找新土地比攻占他人的土地更容易。开拓者行会是利用新颖方式横跨大地和绘制地图探险者的聚会所。行会常提供它的发现予当地军队,使军队能够轻松行军。
Master Explorers' Guild 觉得只可以随机+移动力随从(如错请补充)
Explorers' Guild Headquater 觉得只可以随机+移动力随从(如错请补充)
开拓者行会(explorers_guild) 100 250 500
招募商人 10
建造完成Port(港口) 15
建造完成Shipwright(造船匠) 20
建造完成Dockyard(造船所) 25
建造完成Naval_Drydock(海军造船所) 30
建造完成Wharf(码头) 20
建造完成Warehouse(商业码头) 25
建造完成Docklands(港区) 30
建造完成Market(市场) 10
建造完成Fairground(露天市场) 15
建造完成Great_Market(大市场) 20
建造完成Merchants_Quarters(商场) 25
海军资本状况(?)> 50 < 100 3
海军资本状况(?)> 99 5
探险家公会任务成功 30
探险家会任务失败 -30
九 四大骑士行会(条顿骑士团-德国,圣约翰医院骑士团-除德 西 葡的天主教国家,圣殿骑士团-除德 西 葡的天主教国家,圣地亚哥骑士团-西 葡)
一级骑士工会 能练3个骑士
二级骑士工会 能练4个骑士加经验1
三级骑士工会 能练6个骑士加经验2
圣约翰医院骑士团 特有:
公众健康 一级加5% 二级加10% 三级加15%
四大骑士团公会 100 250 500
组建十字军各骑士公会 25
放弃十字军各骑士公会 -25
训练各骑士部队对应骑士公会 10
城市长官骑士精神>4 5
圣约翰医院骑士团 特有:
和穆斯林国家交战 10
邻近地区穆斯林信仰 > 50% 10
十 养马人行会
Horse Breeders' Guild 增加骑兵经验1
Master Horse Breeders' Guild 增加骑兵经验1和世界范围的骑兵1
Horse Breeders' Guild Headquater 增加骑兵经验1和世界范围的骑兵2
养马人行会(horse_breeders_guild) 100 250 500 另,貌似只能城市造。
训练骑兵 10
建造完成stables(马厩) 10
建造完成knights_stables(骑士马厩) 15
建造完成earls_stables(伯爵马厩) 20
建造完成barons_stables(男爵马厩) 25
建造完成kings_stables(国王马厩) 30
建造完成racing_track(赛马场) 50
城市长官是投掷类兵种 5
十一 舍伍德行会(守林人工会)
1级 远程兵种增加1经验(加肉搏攻击防御非远程攻击力)
2级 远程兵种增加2经验 造舍伍德弓兵
3级 远程兵种增加3经验 造舍伍德弓兵。
舍伍德行会(woodsmens_guild) 100 250 500
训练Peasant Archers(农民弓箭手) 10
训练longbow(长弓手) 15
训练弓Yeoman Archers(约曼长弓手) 15
训练长Sherwood Archers(舍伍德长弓) 20
训练Archer Militia(民兵弓箭手) 10
训练Dismounted Longbowmen(下马长弓手) 15
建造完成Tavern(酒馆) 10
建造完成Brothel (妓院) 15
建造完成Inn(客栈) 20
建造完成Hotel(旅馆) 25
建造完成Grand_Hotel(大旅馆) 30
城市长官骑士精神>4 5
sporting house什么意思
Beijing opera
Beijing opera or Peking opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre which combines music, vocal performance, mime, dance and acrobatics. It arose in the late 18th century and became fully developed and recognized by the mid-19th century. The form was extremely popular in the Qing Dynasty court and has come to be regarded as one of the cultural treasures of China. Major performance troupes are based in Beijing and Tianjin in the north, and Shanghai in the south.[3] The art form is also enjoyed in Taiwan, where it is known as Guoju (国剧). It has also spread to other countries such as the United States and Japan.
Beijing opera features four main types of performers. Performing troupes often have several of each variety, as well as numerous secondary and tertiary performers. With their elaborate and colorful costumes, performers are the only focal points on Beijing opera's characteristically sparse stage. They utilize the skills of speech, song, dance, and combat in movements that are symbolic and suggestive, rather than realistic. Above all else, the skill of performers is evaluated according to the beauty of their movements. Performers also adhere to a variety of stylistic conventions that help audiences navigate the plot of the production. The layers of meaning within each movement must be expressed in time with music. The music of Beijing opera can be divided into the Xipi and Erhuang styles. Melodies include arias, fixed-tune melodies, and percussion patterns.[6] The repertoire of Beijing opera includes over 1,400 works, which are based on Chinese history, folklore, and, increasingly, contemporary life.
Beijing opera performers utilize four main skills. The first two are song and speech. The third is dance-acting. This includes pure dance, pantomime, and all other types of dance. The final skill is combat, which includes both acrobatics and fighting with all manner of weaponry. All of these skills are expected to be performed effortlessly, in keeping with the spirit of the art form.
The Sheng (生) is the main male role in Beijing opera. This role has numerous subtypes. The laosheng is a dignified older role. These characters have a gentle and cultivated disposition and wear sensible costumes. One type of laosheng role is the hongsheng, a red-faced older male. The only two hongsheng roles are Guan Gong, the Chinese God of War, and Zhao Kuang-yin, the first Song Dynasty emperor. Young male characters are known as xiaosheng. These characters sing in a high, shrill voice with occasional breaks to represent the voice changing period of adolescence. Depending on the character's rank in society, the costume of the xiaosheng may be either elaborate or simple. Off-stage, xiaosheng actors are often involved with beautiful women by virtue of the handsome and young image they project. The wusheng is a martial character for roles involving combat. They are highly trained in acrobatics, and have a natural voice when singing. Troupes will always have a laosheng actor. A xiaosheng actor may also be added to play roles fitting to his age. In addition to these main Sheng, the troupe will also have a secondary laosheng.
The Dan (旦) refers to any female role in Beijing opera. Dan roles were originally divided into five subtypes. Old women were played by laodan, martial women were wudan, young female warriors were daomadan, virtuous and elite women were qingyi, and vivacious and unmarried women were huadan. One of Mei Lanfang's most important contributions to Beijing opera was in pioneering a sixth type of role, the huashan. This role type combines the status of the qingyi with the sensuality of the huadan A troupe will have a young Dan to play main roles, as well as an older Dan for secondary parts. Four examples of famous Dans are Mei Lanfang, Cheng Yanqiu, Shang Xiaoyun, and Xun Huisheng. In the early years of Beijing opera, all Dan roles were played by men. Wei Changsheng, a male Dan performer in the Qing court, developed the cai ciao, or "false foot" technique, to simulate the bound feet of women and the characteristic gait that resulted from the practice. The ban on female performers also led to a controversial form of brothel, known as the xianggong tangzi, in which men paid to have sex with young boys dressed as females. Ironically, the performing skills taught to the youths employed in these brothels led many of them to become professional Dan later in life.
The Jing (净) is a painted face male role. Depending on the repertoire of the particular troupe, he will play either primary or secondary roles This type of role will entail a forceful character, so a Jing must have a strong voice and be able to exaggerate gestures. Beijing opera boasts 15 basic facial patterns, but there are over 1000 specific variations. Each design is unique to a specific character. The patterns and coloring are thought to be derived from traditional Chinese color symbolism and divination on the lines of a person's face, which is said to reveal personality. Easily recognizable examples of coloring include red, which denotes uprightness and loyalty, white, which represents evil or crafty characters, and black, which is given to characters of soundness and integrity. Three main types of Jing roles are often seen. These include tongchui, roles that heavily involve singing, jiazi, roles with less emphasis on singing and more on physical performance, and wujing, martial and acrobatic roles.
The Chou (丑) is a male clown role. The Chou usually plays secondary roles in a troupe. Indeed, most studies of Beijing opera classify the Chou as a minor role. The name of the role is a homophone of the Mandarin Chinese word chou, meaning "ugly". This reflects the traditional belief that the clown's combination of ugliness and laughter could drive away evil spirits. Chou roles can be divided into Wen Chou, civilian roles such as merchants and jailers, and Wu Chou, minor military roles. The Wu Chou is one of the most demanding in Beijing opera, because of its combination of comic acting, acrobatics, and a strong voice. Chou characters are generally amusing and likable, if a bit foolish. Their costumes range from simple for characters of lower status to elaborate, perhaps overly so, for high status characters. Chou characters wear special face paint, called xiaohualian, that differs from that of Jing characters. The defining characteristic of this type of face paint is a small patch of white chalk around the nose. This can represent either a mean and secretive nature or a quick wit.
Ink brush
The earliest intact ink brush was found in 1954, in the tomb of a Chu citizen during the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BCE), located in an archaeological dig site Zuo Gong Shan 15 near Changsha. This primitive version of an ink brush had a wooden stalk, and a bamboo tube secures the bundle of hair to the stalk. Legend credits the invention of the ink brush to Qin general Meng Tian. The invention of ink brush resulted in the Lesser Seal Script (Xiaozhuan), which is elegant and curvy unlike its predecessor the Greater Seal Script (Dazhuan) which is rugged and blocky.
Ink brushes (毛笔) are used in Chinese calligraphy. They are also used in Chinese painting and descendant brush painting styles (such as sumi-e).
Brushes differ greatly in terms of size, texture, material and cost.
Size: Generally classified as either big (大楷), medium (中楷) or small (小楷); most calligraphy is written with a medium-sized brush. The smallest brushes are used for very small pieces and for fashioning designs for seals. Medium brushes are the most widely used; wielded by a skilled artist, a medium brush can produce a variety of thicknesses of line, from very thin to fairly thick. The largest brushes are used only for very large pieces. Texture: Either soft (软毫), hard (硬毫) or mixed (兼毫). Certain textures are better for writing certain styles than others are. Material: Normally the brush is made from sheep, pig, mouse, buffalo, wolf and rabbit hair, while exotic ones can be made from tiger, fowls, deer, yellow weasel (黄鼠狼) and even human baby hair (from the first haircut a baby gets, said to bring good fortune while taking the Imperial examinations). Stalk material: Usually normal bamboo, exotic brushes instead may use materials like gold, silver, jade, ivory, red sandalwood or mottled bamboo.The material one chooses to use depends on one's needs at the moment, certain kinds of brushes are more suited to certain script styles and individuals than others are. Synthetic hair is not used. Prices vary greatly depending on the quality of the brush, cheap brushes cost less than a US dollar while expensive can cost more than a thousand. Currently, the finest brushes are made in Huzhou in Zhejiang.
Together with the ink stone, ink (stick) and paper, the four writing implements form the Four Treasures of the Study.
Chopsticks are a pair of small even-length tapered sticks, which are generally believed to have originated in ancient China, and are the traditional eating utensils of China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and Thailand.
Chopsticks are commonly used with their associated cuisine. Chopsticks can also now be found in some areas of Tibet and Nepal that are close to Han Chinese populations, due to cross-cultural influences. Chopsticks are commonly used in Xinjiang by Uyghurs and other nationalities to eat laghman. The pair of sticks is maneuvered in one hand – between the thumb and fingers – and used to pick up pieces of food.
Chopsticks can be made from a variety of materials: bamboo, plastic, wood, bone, metal, jade, and ivory. Wooden or bamboo chopsticks can be painted or lacquered to decorate them and make them waterproof. Metal chopsticks are sometimes roughened or scribed on the tapered end to make them less slippery when picking up foods. High-end metal chopstick pairs are sometimes connected by a short chain at the un-tapered end to prevent their separation.
Many rules of etiquette govern the proper conduct of the use of chopsticks. Held between the thumb and fingers of one hand, chopsticks are used tong-like to pick up portions of food, which are prepared and brought to the table in small and convenient pieces. Chopsticks may also be used (except in Korea) as means for sweeping rice and other nominal morsels into the mouth directly from the bowl. Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only, even by left-handed people. Although chopsticks may now be found in either hand, a few still consider left-handed chopstick use as improper etiquette. Some historians believe this rule of etiquette originated from a Chinese legend.
跪地吐血求 哈姆雷特中 Ophelia 这个人物的介绍 要英文的 大概讲个2分钟左右
sporting house的意思是、妓院。例句:
1、“At Belle watling's sporting house,”said rhett, looking abashed.
2、The city is ashamed of its cathouse.
3、Brothel is illegal in some countries or regions.
4、The sporting house is a building where prostitutes are available.
5、Sporting houses are definitely illegal in China.
6、It is not a hotel, but a sporting house/cathouse.
那不是旅馆,而是妓院 。
7、In this novel a Samson-like boxer is lured to a sporting house by a blonde and drugged.
Ophelia is a fictional character in the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. She is a young noblewoman of Denmark, Polonius' daughter, Laertes' sister, and Prince Hamlet's sweetheart.
A possible historical source for Ophelia is Katherine Hamlet, a young woman who fell into the Avon river and died in December 1579. Though it was eventually concluded that she had overbalanced while carrying some heavy pails, rumors that she was suffering from a broken heart were considered plausible enough for an inquest to be conducted into whether her death was a suicide. It is possible that Shakespeare - sixteen at the time of the death - recalled the romantic tragedy in his creation of the character of Ophelia
In Ophelia's first speaking appearance in the play,[2] we see her with her brother, Laertes, who is leaving for France. Laertes lectures Ophelia against getting involved with Hamlet. He warns her that Hamlet does not have his free will as he is the heir of Denmark so does not have freedom to marry whomever he wants. Ophelia's father, Polonius, enters while Laertes is leaving, and Polonius also admonishes Ophelia against Hamlet, because he fears Hamlet is not earnest about her. Polonius concludes by forbidding Ophelia to have any further communication with Hamlet. She agrees to obey her father and to avoid Hamlet entirely.
In Ophelia's next appearance,[3] she tells Polonius that Hamlet rushed into her room with his clothing askew, and with a 'hellish' expression on his face, and only stared at her, without speaking to her. Based on what Ophelia tells him, about Hamlet acting in such a "mad" way, Polonius concludes that he was wrong to forbid Ophelia to see Hamlet, and that Hamlet must be mad because of lovesickness for Ophelia. Polonius immediately decides to go to Claudius (the new King of Denmark, and also Hamlet's uncle and stepfather) about the situation, since Claudius is both the King and Hamlet's stepfather. We later[4] see Polonius suggest to Claudius that they can hide behind an arras to overhear Hamlet speaking to Ophelia, when Hamlet thinks the conversation is private. Since Polonius is now sure Hamlet is lovesick for Ophelia, he thinks Hamlet will express love for Ophelia. Claudius agrees to try the eavesdropping plan later. The plan leads to what is commonly called the 'Nunnery Scene'. [5]
In the 'Nunnery Scene' Polonius instructs Ophelia to stand in the lobby of the castle, while he and Claudius hide behind. Hamlet enters the room, in a different world from the others, and recites his "To be, or not to be" soliloquy. Hamlet approaches Ophelia and talks to her. He famously tells her "get thee to a nunnery." Hamlet becomes angry, realizes he's gone too far, and says "there should be no more marriage", and exits. Ophelia is left bewildered, scared, and heartbroken, sure that Hamlet is crazy. After Hamlet storms out, Ophelia makes her "O, what a noble mind is here o'erthrown" soliloquy.
The next time Ophelia appears is at the 'Mousetrap Play'[6] which Hamlet has arranged to try to prove that Claudius killed King Hamlet. Hamlet sits with Ophelia and makes sexually suggestive remarks, also saying that woman's love is brief.
Later that night, after the 'Mousetrap Play,' Hamlet accidentally kills Polonius,[7] during a private meeting between Hamlet and his mother, Queen Gertrude, in Gertrude's "closet" (parlour). At Ophelia's next appearance,[8] after her father's death, she has gone mad, due to what the other characters interpret as grief over her father. Ophelia sings some "mad" little songs, about death and a maiden losing her virginity. She then says "good night" and exits.
Ophelia appears again later, after Laertes comes to the castle to challenge Claudius over the death of his father, Polonius. Ophelia sings more songs, and hands out flowers, citing their symbolic meanings, although interpretations of the meanings differ. Ophelia then blesses everyone, and exits for the last time.
In Act 4 Scene 7, Queen Gertrude, in a famous monologue (There is a willow grows aslant the brook), reports that Ophelia had climbed into a willow tree, and then a branch broke and dropped Ophelia into the brook, where she drowned. Gertrude says that Ophelia appeared "incapable of her own distress" like a mad person would be. Gertrude's announcement of Ophelia's death is one of the most poetic death announcements in literature.[9]
We later see a sexton at the graveyard insisting Ophelia must have killed herself,[10] however, although the sexton attempts to argue the point logically and legally, he never says how he would know it as a fact. The cleric who presides at Ophelia's funeral later asserts that she should have been buried in unsanctified ground as a suicide, but he doesn't say how he knows facts about it, either. Laertes is outraged by what the cleric says, and replies that Ophelia will be an angel in heaven when the cleric "liest howling" (with the fiends in hell). The remarks by the sexton and the cleric have naturally led to a great deal of discussion of whether Ophelia committed suicide. Between Gertrude's report of an accident, and the later talk of suicide, the suicide issue is left unclear in the play, so that even after four centuries since the play was written, the issue is still a topic of debate.
At Ophelia's funeral, Queen Gertrude sprinkles flowers on Ophelia's grave ("sweets to the sweet,") and says she wished Ophelia could have been Hamlet's wife. Laertes then jumps into Ophelia's grave excavation, and proclaims how much he loved her. Hamlet, nearby, then challenges Laertes, and claims that he loved Ophelia more than "forty thousand" brothers could. After her funeral scene, there is no further mention of Ophelia.
Critical analysis
Some critics argue that Hamlet's angry behavior toward Ophelia in the 'Nunnery Scene' is due to Hamlet's resentment of womankind, when Hamlet realizes Ophelia is cooperating in her father's scheme to spy on him.[11] This interpretation casts Ophelia as a scapegoat, a victim of Hamlet's anger with his mother and with women as a whole.
In this heartbreaking scene, it's hard to tell how much of what Hamlet says is sincere, and how much an act. The critics have never ceased arguing this question. We do know that his mother's recent remarriage has intensified Hamlet's sexual revulsion—he's recently likened the sexual act to tumbling in a sty.
Here, the prince denies ever having loved Ophelia, right after claiming that he did love her once. This may be just a game Hamlet is playing, but perhaps he means that what seemed like love to him once now seems false and repulsive. Using a horticultural metaphor, he casts doubt on his own motives: the "old stock" (original nature) of man is so corrupt that the grafting of virtue can never wholly eradicate the "relish" (taste) of corruption. In his famous line "Get thee to a nunn'ry," he exhorts Ophelia to put herself away so that she may never breed sinners like Hamlet.
Specialists in Shakespeare's bawdy language are fond of noting that "nunnery" was common Elizabethan slang for "brothel," and that therefore Hamlet's command is ironic and even more despairing than it seems. The pun would accord with the paradoxical nature of the prince's speech, but there is little evidence elsewhere in the scene that Hamlet intends a double entendre.
The 1996 Kenneth Branagh film makes Ophelia and Hamlet sexual lovers, but this is not stated in the original play, in which there are several references to her claimed virginity. During her madness, however, Ophelia makes many sexual comments and sings a bawdy Valentine song[12] that includes the line, "quoth she, before you tumbled [had sex with] me, you promised me to wed".
In an essay on the representation of Ophelia, Elaine Showalter offers a survey of feminist approaches to the questions that the character and her history in performance and criticism raise. She organizes them into three broad strands: the first offers to advocate for Ophelia by telling her story; the second, under the influence of French feminist theory, reads Ophelia's story as a cipher of female sexuality that exists as a horrific "nothing" in patriarchal discourse and representation; the third reads her story as the repressed subtext of Hamlet's tragedy, insofar as it acts as a cathexis for all the strong emotions and qualities that the men wish to deny.[13]
As an alternative to these three strands, Showalter proposes to narrate the history of Ophelia's representations; "the representation of Ophelia changes independently of theories of the meaning of the play or the Prince," she argues, "for it depends on attitudes towards women and madness."[14] Noting a contrast between the paucity of commentary on Ophelia within the history of criticism and an abundance of representations of her in the wider cultural history, she argues that it is necessary to pursue an "interdisciplinary contextualization" of "the complexity of attitudes towards the feminine" in order to expose the ideologies that have shaped the specific representations of Ophelia on the stage, in criticism and in the culture at large (its paintings, novels, fashions).[15] There is "no 'true' Ophelia" of whom a feminist critic might speak, she argues, only "a Cubist Ophelia of multiple perspectives".[16]
[edit] Portrayal
While it is known that Richard Burbage played Hamlet in Shakespeare's time, there is no evidence of who played Ophelia; since there were no professional actresses on the public stage in Elizabethan England, however, we may be certain that she was played by a boy.[17]
The early modern stage in England had an established set of emblematic conventions for the representation of female madness: disheveled hair worn down, dressed in white, bedecked with wild flowers, Ophelia's state of mind would have been immediately 'readable' to her first audiences.[18] "Colour was a major source of stage symbolism", Andrew Gurr explains, so the contrast between Hamlet's "nighted colour" (1.2.68) and "customary suits of solemn black" (1.2.78) and Ophelia's "virginal and vacant white" would have conveyed specific and gendered associations.[19] Her action of offering wild flowers to the court suggests, Showalter argues, a symbolic deflowering, while even the manner of her 'doubtful death', by drowning, carries associations with the feminine (Laertes refers to his tears on hearing the news as "the woman").
Gender structured, too, the early modern understanding of the distinction between Hamlet's madness and Ophelia's: melancholy was understood as a male disease of the intellect, while Ophelia would have been understood as suffering from erotomania, a malady conceived in biological and emotional terms.[20] This discourse of female madness impacted on Ophelia's representation on stage from the 1660s, when the appearance of actresses in the English theatres first began to introduce "new meanings and subversive tensions" into the role: "the most celebrated of the actresses who played Ophelia were those whom rumor credited with disappointments in love."[21] Showalter relates a theatrical anecdote that vividly captures this sense of overlap between a performer's identity and the role she plays:
The greatest triumph was reserved for Susan Mountfort, a former actress at Lincoln's Inn Fields who had gone mad after her lover's betrayal. One night in 1720 she escaped from her keeper, rushed to the theater, and just as the Ophelia of the evening was to enter for her mad scene, "sprang forward in her place ... with wild eyes and wavering motion." As a contemporary reported, "she was in truth Ophelia herself, to the amazement of the performers as well as of the audience—nature having made this last effort, her vital powers failed her and she died soon after."[22]
During the 18th century, the conventions of Augustan drama encouraged far less intense, more sentimentalized and decorous depictions of Ophelia's madness and sexuality. From Mrs Lessingham in 1772 to Mary Bolton, playing opposite John Kemble in 1813, the familiar iconography of the role replaced its passionate embodiment. Sarah Siddons played Ophelia's madness with "stately and classical dignity" in 1785.[23]
Since that time, Ophelia has been a frequent subject in artwork, often in a Romantic or Classical style, as the images on this page show.
Many great actresses have played Ophelia on stage over the years. In the 19th century she was portrayed by Helen Faucit, Dora Jordan, Frances Abington, and Peg Woffington, who won her first real fame by playing the role.[24]
Ophelia has been portrayed in movies since the days of early silent films. Dorothy Foster played Ophelia opposite Charles Raymond's Hamlet in 1912. Jean Simmons played Ophelia opposite Lawrence Olivier's oscar-winning Hamlet performance in 1948; Simmons was also nominated for an oscar as best supporting actress, but didn't win. More recently, Ophelia has been portrayed by Helena Bonham Carter (1990), Kate Winslet (1996), and Julia Stiles (2000). Themes associated with Ophelia have led to movies such as Ophelia Learns to Swim (2000), and Dying Like Ophelia (2002).[25]
收起基本属性、职业与阵营选择停尸间(The Mortuary)平民区(The Hive)拾荒者广场(Ragpicker's Square)地下小镇(Buried Village)墓地(Catacombs)Pharod的答案离开Hive封锁之镇,蓝领区(Lower Ward)封锁之镇,白领区(Clerk's Ward)Ravel的迷宫(Ravel's Maze)Curst边境之地(The Outlands)重返Curst(Curst Revisited)Negative Plane,Fortress of Regrets
异域镇魂曲(Planescape: Torment)不同于你所玩过的所有传统观念上的角色扮演游戏。毋庸置疑的是,异域镇魂曲是游戏史上伟大的经典之一。这是我目前所玩过的最不同寻常的RPG,而且也是最杰出的。
影响到你交谈时所能选择的回答,这是至关重要的。Torment 中大量的事件都是通过对话来揭示的,高的聪慧值影响到你回答的好坏,从而影响经验值。另外过低的聪慧对法师能学习的魔法数量有影响。聪慧高低还和lore(学识)有关。学识影响到物品鉴定。
Fighter 战士。可以用锤子,斧头,棍棒等重兵器。
Mage 法师。可以用魔法。注意!游戏中可以学到9级魔法!(但是威力嘛)
Thief 盗贼。有潜行、撬锁、偷窃、搜寻陷阱、背刺等多种特技。
关于职业选择,大多数功略都建议走法师道路,理由是INT和WIS的重要性,而法师恰恰长于此二项。Planescape: Torment中的魔法效果华丽无筹,远胜任何其他RPG系列,就这一点来说做一个法师是非常值得的,而且游戏中对于法师的特殊照顾也是最多,似乎没有理由不做一个法师?但事物总有两个方面,法师的致命缺点,居然是游戏本身的BUG:在低内存的机器上同屏的法术效果一多,运行速度立即被拖慢,终于死机。残念另外法师缺少高杀伤力的法术,对付强力敌人时不免力不从心。还有非常苦恼的,Torment和Baldur's Gate系列不同,不能随地就寝,睡觉的地点就那么固定的几个,天哪!再高等级的法师也有油尽灯枯的时候
7th + 1 STR, 武器熟练度可以学到4级。
12th + 1 STR, + 1 CON, + 3 HP, 武器熟练度可以学到5级。
7th + 1 INT
12th + 2 INT, + 1 WIS, + 5 Lore
7th + 1 DEX
12th + 2 DEX, + 1 Luck
Mortuary, Starting Level -- Ei-Vene -- MaxHP +1
Smoldering Corpse Tavern -- O -- WIS +1
Drowned Nations, Tomb -- Tear of Salieru Dei -- CON +1
Lower Ward -- Sebastian -- CHA +2
Mortuary, after Dead Nations -- Xachariah's Heart -- DEX +1
Clerk's Ward -- Nemelle -- MaxHP +3
Clerk's Ward, Brothel -- Vivian -- CHA +1
Clerk's Ward, Vrischika's Shop -- Tear of Salieru Dei -- CON +1
Clerk's Ward, Festhall -- Qui-Sai -- AC +1
Godsmen Foundry -- Sarossa -- WIS +1
Ravel's Maze -- Ravel -- INT +1
MaxHP +3
WIS +1 or 2
Curst Prison -- Vhailor -- STR +1,2 or 3
DMG +1,2 or 3
Carceri Warehouse -- Ancient Scroll -- Any STAT +2
Fortress of Regrets -- Practical Incarnation -- WIS +1
INT +1
Fortress of Regrets -- Paranoid Incarnation -- STR +1
CON +1
Fortress of Regrets -- Good Incarnation -- WIS +1
地点 得到了 失去了
Ignus -- 一些魔法 +11%抗火 -- -7 MaxHP
Pillar of Skulls -- 回答 -- -15 MaxHP
骷髅柱 -- 救回Morte -- -5 MaxHP
Lawful Good 守序善良:这类人以法律,秩序,助人,行善为追求。
Neutral Good 中立善良:这类人认为保持平衡非常关键,但他们仍然乐于行善。
Chaotic Good 无序善良:这类人厌恶制度、约束,但更厌恶侵犯他人。
Lawful Neutral 守序中立:这类人以秩序为首要目标,而不管是什么手段。
True Neutral 绝对中立:这类人绝对的希望保持平衡。这也是新游戏开始时你的阵营。
Chaotic Neutral 无序中立:这类人厌恶约束,但还不至为恶。
Lawful Evil 守序邪恶:这类人喜好秩序,并认为这能给自己更多的利益。
Neutral Evil 中立邪恶:这类人不在乎制度规范,并认为侵犯他人的利益能使自己得利。
Chaotic Evil 无序邪恶:这类人厌恶任何约束,一言不合即可起之念。
在Planescape: Torment中,阵营不再由你来选择,而是由你的言行决定。初始时无名氏是属于绝对中立的阵营,但随着故事的展开,你在这个幻想世界中对待他人的态度和处世的方法将影响着你的阵营。随着游戏的深入,你将越来越惊奇的发现,你扮演的无名氏的处世态度和现实中的你竟如此相似。
Planescape: Torment的旅程中,对于守序善良的阵营有着特殊的照顾。主要体现在一些非常有价值的物品只能由守序善良者使用,以及某些特定的时刻对守序善良人士的属性奖励上。
- 打不过就跑!要知道你是能跑的,而敌人不能。许多时候仅仅跑开,等今后升完了级再报仇也不晚。
- 买东西前转职为法师,对自己施几次“friend”魔法,你可以得到可观的折扣!
- 在Sigil,有四处你将碰到有人对你扒窃。只要有超过12的WIS或超过13的INT你就可以观察他们的手法并得到可观的经验值!
- 升级前请先存档!这不算作弊!在9级之前升级所得到的Hp是随机的,如果好不容易升级,只加1Hp,那是什么感受!所以,请先存档。
Nameless One -- 9 or 10
Morte -- 9 or 10
Fighter -- 5
Mage -- 2
Fighter -- 5
Thief -- 3
Fall-From-Grace -- 7 or 8
Nordom -- 9 or 10
Vhailor -- 9 or 10
Ignus -- 4
- 东西太贵了,买不起,怎么办?很简单,用你的好搭档Annah去偷就是了。
先请Nameless One站在物主身边,如果偷窃失败,在画面转回游戏画面时立即暂停,选择和物主交谈,他就不会变成敌对状态了。
- 游戏初期学什么武器技能呢?强烈推荐Hammer!大铁锤!原因是非常早期你就可以得到一把极好的锤子!具体是:前往Alley of Dangerous Angels的Cathedral of a Dead God,对Aola说你同意加入Aoskar教,然后走出这个地区的时候the Lady就会发怒并把你囚禁到Nameless One's Maze去。那里你可以得到Brimstone Sledgehammer。(具体见详细功略)
- 一旦你得到魔法强化的武器(enchanted),则可以试着挑战the Hive中经常出现的Black Abishai(黑龙怪),这种怪物是当年圣战时the lower planes(下界)的主要战士,现在不知为何大量留在Sigil,你必须有魔法强化的武器才可能伤害它。它们很强,但如果配合得当还是可能战胜的,推荐先用Morte挑衅吸引火力,主角和Dak'kon再上去肉搏。如果不行,先多用几滴clot charm再去试试。杀掉它可以得到7000 exp,而且这种怪物是杀之不尽的。
qīngbái [pale] 白而发青,尤指脸没有血色 青白眼 qīngbáiyǎn [think highly of or look down on] 眼球青黑色,其旁白色。喻对人重视为青眼,对人轻视为白眼
Qīngbāng [a secret society founded by陈园toward the last years of the Ching Dynasty] 旧时帮会的一种,最初参加的人多半以漕运为职业,在长江南北的大中城市里活动。后来由于组成分子复杂,为首的人勾结官府,变成统治阶级的爪牙
qīngcài (1) [green vegetable]∶菜蔬的可食部分,富于叶绿素,并构成维生素、微量元素的重要来源 (2) [greens]∶蔬菜的统称 大便干燥,要多吃青菜 (3) [pakchoi]∶即小白菜(Brassica chinesis)
qīngcǎo [green grass] 为食草动物提供食物的绿色草本植物群,常多由具窄叶的禾本科,莎草科和灯心草科等单子叶植物组成,往往与双子叶的草本植物相混生 青出于蓝 qīngchūyúlán [surpass one’s master or teacher in learning] 蓝:蓼蓝草,可作染料。谓从蓼蓝草中提炼出的靛青,颜色比蓼蓝草更深。比喻学生胜过老师,后人胜过前人 青出于蓝而青于蓝,染使然也。——北齐·刘昼《崇学》
qīngchūn (1) [youth]∶青年时代 壮丽的青春 (2) 也用于比喻 百年老厂恢复了青春 (3) [age]∶指少年、青年人的年龄 青春几何 (4) [spring]∶春天草木茂盛呈青葱色,所以春天称青春 青春作伴好还乡。——唐·杜甫《闻官军收河南河北》 青春期 qīngchūnqī [puberty] 指以官发育成熟、第二性征发育为标志的初次有繁殖能力的时期,在人类及高等灵长类以雌性第一次月经出现为标志;泛指青春期的年龄,男孩一般是13到16岁,女孩11到14岁
qīngcí [celadon] 中国产的草绿色至海绿色瓷器
qīngcōng [verdant] 翠绿色,形容植物浓绿 青葱的草地 青葱的竹林
qīngcōngmǎ [horse with black and white colour] 青白杂色的马 踯躅青骢马。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》
qīngcuì [verdant] 鲜绿的;有新鲜植物覆盖的 雨后,垂柳显得格外青翠 青豆 qīngdòu [green soya bean] 子实表皮是青绿色的大豆
qīngféi [green manure] 绿肥
qīngfú [insect;money] 传说中的虫;喻金钱,MJ 你那尊中无绿蚁,皆因我襄里缺青蚨。——谷子敬《城南柳》
qīnggōng [young worker] 青年工人
qīngguāngyǎn [glaucoma] 以病理性高眼压、视神经乳头萎缩、视野缺损、视力下降为特征的一种眼病 (四)
Qīnghǎi [Qinghai] 中国西北部的省,省会西宁市。面积72万平方公里,人口448万(1990)。境内有中国最大湖泊青海湖,面积4583平方公里,全省大部为高原。畜牧业为省经济重要部分。青海为尚待开发的省之一。西北部的柴达木盆地矿产资源丰富
Qīnghǎi Hú [Qinghai Lake] 中国最大的咸水湖。蒙语为“库库诺尔”,意即“青色的湖”。在青海省东北部大通山、日月山和青海南山之间。由断层陷落积水而成。面积4583平方公里,湖面海拔3195米,最深处32.8米。有布哈河等注入。湖中有4个小岛,海心山为最大,西部鸟岛上有大量鸟类和水禽,被列为自然保护区。湖水冬季结冰。湖中盛产青海湖裸鲤鱼。滨湖草原是良好的天然牧场
qīnghóng-zàobái [right and wrong] 比喻事情的原委、来龙去脉、是非曲直 扯开衣服,看了两处,不问青红皂白,举起鞭子就打。——《老残游记》
qīnghuáng-bùjiē [temporary shortage] 青:指未成熟的庄稼。黄:指已成熟的庄稼。青黄不接,即旧的粮食已经吃完,新的还未收割,比喻人力、财力等因一时接续不上而暂时缺乏。现在则特指人才方面后继无人 这个奇迹般的记录也反映了我国剑坛当时青黄不接的状况
qīngjiāo [green cayenne pepper] 一种大个的绿色辣椒
qīngjīn [blue veins] 外观发青的皮肤下静脉血管
qīngkē [highland barley] 大麦的一种,粒大皮薄。主要产在西藏、青海等地,是当地的主要粮食,可做糌粑,又可酿酒
qīngkōng [azure sky] 蔚蓝的天空 青睐 qīnglài [favour] 青眼;垂青 明眸青睐。——《曹植《洛神赋》
qīnglóng (1) [black dragon]∶青色的龙。也指东方星宿名。即苍龙 (2) [the Orient God]∶道教所信奉的东方的神 (3) [the east]∶古时行军以画青龙的旗帜表示东方之位
qīnglóu (1) [brothel]∶被指定居住和卖*的场所 青楼梦好。——宋·姜夔《扬州慢》 (2) [mansion]∶指显贵人家的精致楼房
qīnglú [black cloth tent]青布搭成的帐篷,是举行婚礼的地方。东汉至唐有此风俗 新妇入青庐。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》
qīngméi [green plum] 青色的梅子 青梅竹马 qīngméi-zhúmǎ
qīngméisù [penicillin] 主要由青霉菌培养液中提取的毒性较小的抗生素,对各种细菌(如葡萄球菌、淋球菌、肺炎球菌、溶血性链球菌和一些脑膜炎球菌)有强大抑菌作用
qīngmiàn-liáoyá [with green face and ferocious fangs] 青面:青色的脸。獠牙:露出嘴唇的长牙。形容面貌极其凶恶狰狞 只见七八个鬼卒,青面獠牙,一般的三尺多长。——明·冯梦龙《喻世明言》
qīngmiáo [young crops] 处于生命、发育、生长的最初或相对较早阶段的没有成熟的庄稼
qīngmíng [sky]天空 青冥浩荡不见底。——唐·李白《梦游天姥吟留别》
qīngnián (1) [youth]∶指人十五六岁至三十岁左右的阶段 对青年来说,没有不可超越的东西 (2) [young people]∶指上述年龄的人 寻找生命永恒价值的青年
Qīngniánjié [Youth Day(May 4)] 即“五四青年节”
qīngpí [rascal;knave] [方]∶流氓;无赖 青皮讼棍 青皮 qīngpí (1) [stellatehair vatica]∶即青梅,龙脑香科的一种植物(Vatica astrotricha),木材坚硬沉重,百年不腐,是造船、建筑、制作家具的优良用材 (2) [green tangerine orange peel]∶柑橘的未成熟果皮或幼果,入药,用于疏肝破气,散结化滞
qīngqīng (1) [dense;thick]∶茂盛的样子 青青园中葵。——《乐府诗集·长歌行》 郁郁青青。——宋·范仲淹《岳阳楼记》 溪上青青草。——宋·辛弃疾《清平乐·村居》 尽荠麦青青。——宋·姜夔《扬州慢》 (2) [blackish green]∶墨绿色 云青青兮欲雨。——唐·李白《梦游天姥吟留别》 客舍青青柳叶新。——唐·王维《送元二使安西》
qīngsè [cyan] 一类带绿的蓝色,中等深浅,高度饱和;特指三补色中的一色
qīngshāzhàng [the green curtain of tall crops] 借指夏秋间田野里大片长得又高又密的高粱、玉米等 青纱帐里逞英豪
qīngshān [green hill] 长满绿色植物的山 留得青山在,不愁没柴烧
qīngshān-lǜshuǐ [green hills and blue waters-beautiful country scene] 青青的山,绿绿的水,形容景色秀丽宜人 青山绿水,处处分明。——宋·释道原《景德传灯录》
qīngshān [black clothes] 青色的衣衫;黑色的衣服。古代指书生 江州司马青衫湿。——唐·白居易《琵琶行(并序)》
qīng-shàonián [young boys and girls] 青年和少年,年轻的男女
qīngshǐ [annals of history] 古时用竹简记事,所以后人称史籍为青史 青史留名 永垂青史
qīngsī (1) [black hair]∶黑发 一缕青丝 (2) [sliced preserved plum used as dressing on food]∶青梅等切成的细丝,放在糕点馅内或放在糕点面上做点缀 (3) [black silk]∶青色的丝绳
qīngsìliào (1) [succulence]∶来源于野生植物或栽培植物的新鲜、多汁食物 粗饲料应该含有一些青饲料 (2) [soilage]∶割来喂舍饲动物的绿色作物
qīngsōng [pine] 青翠的松树
qīngsuàn [garlic bolt] 嫩的蒜梗和蒜叶,做菜用
qīngtái [moss] 阴湿地方生长的绿色苔藓
qīngtáng-wǎshè [tile and brick house] 指用砖瓦构筑的房舍
qīngtiān (1) [blue sky]∶蔚蓝色的天空 (2) [just judge]∶晴朗的白天。比喻清官 老百姓管包公叫“包青天”
qīngtóng [bronze] 铜和锡以及有时有少量其他元素(如锌和磷)的合金,青灰色或灰**,比黄铜硬而强度大,用来制造多种工业零部件 青铜时代 qīngtóng shídài [Bronze Age] 以使用青铜工具为特征的人类文化时期,欧洲大约始于公元前3500年,西亚和埃及则更早些
qīngwàzi [bluestocking] 指好卖弄才识的女子。亦称“蓝袜子”
qīngyǎn [good graces] 黑色的眼珠在眼眶中间,青眼看人则是表示对人的喜爱或重视、尊重(跟“白眼”相对)
qīngyī (1) [black cloth]∶黑色的衣服 青衣小帽 (2) [maid]∶汉以后卑贱者衣青衣,故称婢仆、差役等人为青衣 (3) [the demure middle-aged or young female character type in Chinese operas]∶指评剧角色之一。扮演庄重的中年或青年妇女,因穿青衫而得名
qīngyī-wūmào [black clothes and gauze cap] 平民的衣着。青衣自汉以后即为卑贱者之服。乌帽即乌纱帽,本为官帽,隋唐以后流于民间 忠烈青衣行乌帽。——清·全祖望《梅花岭记》
qīngyóuyóu (1) [dark green and lush]∶形容浓绿 稻子长得青油油的 (2) [raven]∶形容深黑而润泽 青油油的头发
qīngyú [mackerel] 我国重要的淡水鱼类之一,体细圆,呈青黑色。也叫“黑鲩”
qīngyún (1) [high official position]∶比喻高官显爵 平步青云 (2) [noble]∶旧时比喻道德高尚有威望 青云之士 (3) [hermit]∶比喻隐居 形入紫闼,而意在青云 (4) [sky]∶天空 青云直上 qīngyún-zhíshàng [meteoric rise] 《史记·范雎蔡泽列传》:“贾(须贾)不意君能自致於青云之上。”后以“青云直上”比喻人仕途顺遂,迁升很快,亦即官运亨通,迅速升到高位 青云直上无多地,却要斜飞取势煴。——唐·刘禹锡《寄毗陵杨给事》
Qīngzàng Gāoyuán [Qinghai-Tibet Platean] 中国最大的高原。在中国西部和西南部,主要包括青、藏和川西。面积约230万平方公里,平均海拔4000米以上,是世界最高的大高原,有“世界屋脊”之称。山岭海拔多在6000米以上,峰顶终年积雪。藏北高原为青藏高原的核心部分,在西藏自治区北部,冈底斯山、昆仑山及唐古拉山之间。海拔4500米左右,地面起伏不大,湖泊众多,属高寒荒漠。高原是亚洲许多大河的发源地。北部为黄河源地,南部为澜沧江、通天河、雅砻江等大河源地。藏南谷地在冈底斯山与喜马拉雅山之间,是雅鲁藏布江等河流上游的谷地,海拔大都在4000米以下。河谷沿岸多局部平原,是西藏主要农、牧业地区
qīngzhù [soilage] 把粗饲料(谷草、高粱、青草或三叶草)发酵变为多汁饲料以供冬季饲喂家畜
qīngzǐ (1) [livid purple]∶指古代高官印绶、服饰的颜色。比喻高官显爵 青紫虽被体,不如早还乡。——杜甫《夏夜叹》 (2) [cyanosis]∶见“发绀”
从明治末年(1897)开始,直到大正初年(1920),日本 *** 为了积累资金发展资本主义,曾把贩卖 *** 到海外作为谋取外汇的一个手段。而南洋,尤其是山打根地区,是日本 *** 相对集中的地区。这些被迫卖*的妇女就被称为“南洋姐”。她们为国家赚取了外汇,命运留给她们的却是精神和肉体上无法愈合的创伤。
从1920年代以后,由于日本在第一次世界大战的胜利,致使日本国内经济的发展和国际社会对于妇女和儿童权利的呼吁,贩卖 *** 的活动日益衰落。就在此时,大量南洋姐返回日本。但是,她们回国后却受到全国人民甚至包括自己的亲人的排斥,她们必须在偏僻的地方孤独的生活。
『人身売买 ?海外出稼ぎ女?』 森克巳 昭和34年(1959) 至文堂
『 海外流浪记』 宫冈谦二 昭和43年(1968) 三一书房
『からゆきさん』 森崎和江 昭和51年(1976) 朝日新闻社
『サンダカン八番娼馆』 山崎朋子 昭和47年(1972) 筑摩书房
『村冈伊平治自伝』 河合譲 昭和35年(1960) 南方社
『ザンジバルの娘子军(からゆきさん)』 白石顕二 平成7年(1995) 社会思想社
『カナダ游技楼に降る雪は』 工藤美代子 昭和58年(1983) 晶文社
『北のからゆきさん』 仓桥正直 平成元年(1989) 共栄书房
『娘子军哀史』 山田盟子 平成4年(1992) 光人社
盘点慰安妇惨痛往事 慰安妇怎样接待日军历史事件回顾慰安妇制度是日本军阀违反人道主义、违反两性伦理、违反战争常规的制度化了的 *** 犯罪行为。
日本实施的慰安妇制度是20世纪人类历史中最丑陋、最肮脏、最黑暗的一页,也是世界妇女史上最为惨痛的记录。第二次世界大战中日本军国主义犯下了三大反人道罪行,分别是恶名昭彰的细菌部队——731用活人做实验;南京大屠杀——屠杀30多万中国军民;日军 “慰安妇”——军队 *** 隶制度,是20世纪人类历史上最大的耻辱。
日本军国主义强迫中国大陆、台湾,朝鲜,东南亚各地和少数白人妇女充当军队的慰安妇,这与自愿成为军妓显然有本质的不同,前者是在日军的下被强行逼迫的结果,是日军有组织、有计划强征或骗征的,而后者则主要是出于一种经济利益考虑的自愿行为。证据显示慰安妇除了被用作高强度的 *** 隶外,还要遭受的毒害,有的慰图为朝鲜慰安妇安妇由于多次堕胎造成终身不孕,而由于日本人力资源不够,慰安妇还不时充当护士,脚夫甚至被武装起来充当炮灰,有时为了掩盖罪证甚至被集体枪杀。
解放后,慰安妇常常被人指指点点,据部分慰安妇口述,有同胞直称其“日本 *** ”。《慰安妇调查纪实》中记载慰安妇袁竹林于1958年被居委会的干部指责是日本 *** ,勒令去北大荒,并吊销了当地户口没收房子。
日本八十年代**人物叫阿淇婆**的名字是什么《望乡》?幕府末期至昭和初期,日本大批穷苦人家的女孩被贩卖到南洋当 *** ,世称“南洋姐”。
女性史学家三谷圭子(小卷 饰)为了调查和解开这段历史,走访了九州天草的畸津町,不过她的采访并不顺利,曾经历那个年代的老人们对此皆闭口不谈,讳莫如深。偶然间,她在路边冷饮店邂逅曾当过南洋姐的阿崎婆(田中绢代 饰),经过一段时间的试探和交往,原本紧锁心门的老婆婆终于向圭子敞开心扉,一同回首那段不堪回首的悲伤往事……。
一部日本片片名:望乡 [档案] 原名:望乡、山打根8番妓院 英文名:Sandakan No.8、Sandakan 8 更多中文片名: 山打根8号 更多外文片名: Sandakan hachibanshokan bohkyo Brothel 8 Brothel No. 8 Sandakan House No. 8 Sandakan No. 8 根据山崎朋子的同名小说改编 编剧:广泽、熊井启 导演:熊井启 摄影:金宇满司 主演:田中绢代、小卷、高桥洋子、田中健 获奖纪录:获1974年日本《**旬报》最佳影片、最佳导演奖/柏林**节最佳女演员奖/1974年奥斯卡最佳外语片奖提名。
[编辑本段][剧情] 一架巨型客机降落在马来西亚机场。日本亚洲史研究专家三谷圭子走下飞机,农业实验所的山本前来迎接。
他们驱车来到“山打根客家会”,山本告诉圭子,这里就是山打根8号妓院的旧址。望着已经荒废了的旧楼,圭子想起3年前为研究亚洲妇女史上卖身海外 *** 的专题,曾在九州岛的天草同阿崎婆相处的那段日子。
阿崎婆年过七旬,吸烟,爱聊天,但只要一有人提起被卖到海外当 *** 的南洋姐的话题,她便会转身离去。圭子在一家酒馆里与阿崎婆相遇,便有意和她攀谈起来。
圭子白天帮阿崎婆干活,晚上一起聊天,阿崎婆终于向圭子敞开了自己的心扉。 原来,阿崎出生在天草一个贫民家里,她6岁丧父,为了生活,母亲带着她和哥哥矢须吉改嫁给了阿崎的伯父,但生活依旧非常艰难。
为了赚钱,好赎回土地、盖座大房子、给哥哥娶个好媳妇,阿崎跟人贩子太郎造去了南洋。 阿崎到达南洋婆罗洲后,被卖到8号妓院当了 *** 。
随着日本经济的复苏,靠南洋姐赚取外汇的盛期逐渐过去,妓院开始衰落。最后,妓院几经转手,到了一个 *** 出身的老板娘阿菊妈的手里。
善良的阿菊妈临死前把自己一生卖身的积蓄分给了姐妹们,并嘱咐大家不要回日本,她为姐妹们在当地都修好了墓碑。 阿崎没听阿菊妈的话,她太想念家乡和亲人了。
回国后,阿崎先是和儿子住在京都,可是长大成人的儿子却嫌当过 *** 的母亲名声不好,打发阿崎婆回了天草。儿子已成家9年了,但阿崎婆至今还没有见过儿媳。
她把手巾紧紧地贴在脸上,失声痛哭起来。 影片的结尾,圭子在山本的陪同下,来到了山打根的森林中,杂草间,矗立着许许多多南洋姐的墓碑,背对着她们的祖国日本。
详情请看::// 影视连接:://56/u49/v_NDg2ODE2Mzg.。